Workshop "Personal Uses of Digital Images"
Workshop "Personal Uses of Digital Images"
Organised by Roswitha Breckner, Michael Müller and Anne Sonnenmoser, a workshop took place on 28 and 29 October 2022 at the University of Vienna, where participants from different disciplines presented theoretical and methodological approaches based on concrete examples from their research. The project team presented case-specific results regarding "hypermedialised self-staging in the survival mode of threatened subjectivity".
Chairing a session and paper presentation
Chairing a session and paper presentation
At the Congress of the German and Austrian Sociological Associations on "The Post-Corona Society? Pandemic, crisis and its consequences", August 23-25, 2021, Roswitha Breckner, Elisabeth Mayer and Johannes Marent chaired the session "Biography and Social Media". In their paper "Social Media as a site of biographical construction" they gave an insight into findings of the research project .
Article "Biography - a construction site"
Article "Biography - a construction site"
In May 2021 the research project was introduced on the Societal Impact Platform of the University of Vienna. You may find the article here (in German).
Paper presentation "Social Media as a site of biographical construction"
Paper presentation "Social Media as a site of biographical construction"
At the International colloquium for doctoral students Visual Sociology on June 9th and 11th 2021 (online), the team presented results of their research with the paper "Social Media as a site of biographical construction". Here you may find the programme of the colloquium (in German).
Paper presentation "Visual Segment Analysis as a methodological approach"
Paper presentation "Visual Segment Analysis as a methodological approach"
On February 24 2021, Roswitha Breckner presented the paper "Visual Segment Analysis as a methodological approach: Social media photographs seen from a biographical perspective" at the ISA World Congress of Sociology. You may find the abstract here.
Paper presentation "Showing Life Stories in Pictures"
Paper presentation "Showing Life Stories in Pictures"
At the ISA World Congress of Sociology, Elisabeth Mayer gave a paper on February 24, 2021, titled "Showing Life Stories in Pictures. Negotiating Methodological and Ethical Questions Concerning Visual Biographies". Please find the abstract here.
Talk on "Visual practices in Social Media"
Talk on "Visual practices in Social Media"
On May 19th 2021, Roswitha Breckner gave a talk on "Visual practices in Social Media from a biography-analytical perspective" within a colloquium at the University St. Gallen.